The use of smells and temperature changes in a space or objects, can greatly enhance the atmosphere of the space and thereby the experience of the people in it.
Canonical Examples
"SkyView brings stargazing to everyone. Simply point your iPhone, iPad, or iPod at the sky to identify stars, constellations, planets, satellites, and more!"
Signage information is projected on walls and other architectural surfaces in ways that blend as deeply as possible with the physical surface materials.
A printed advertisement that sparks curiosity. Using a phone a magazine reader can view the (missing) advertised shoe from different angles (and even switch between different shoe designs.) The printed advertisement goes beyond its two dimensions and comes alive through a screen.
Moving image elements are projected on a façade in a way that relates to its physical features and complemented with a musical soundtrack.
Pre-generated projection is combined with choreography such that the dancer appears to interact with the computer graphics.
Choreographed hybrid performance with human actor, physical objects and virtual form on "the principles of magic."
The use of the light balloons helps to redraw and help us imagine history for those of us who were never able to see it. These light balloons in a way help create a design space through the whole city that can experienced different ways from different places. For instance the experience and scale of the space would be thought of differently from a viewer from an airplane window and also someone walking through the streets.
Changing/enhancing an experience (drawing specifically on high initial emotional arousal, and on multimodal synergy).
The singer's dress looked like it integrated in the stage. Animations were projected onto the dress and the stage and it changed the ambience according to the mood of the song.
Context A traveler in a taxi, or on any other public commuting ride to get familiar with a new place. Design concept While you are taking a taxi towards your destination and you are casually looking through the window, relevant information will be displayed. Experiential qualities and related concepts Hybrid, […]
As a simulation of events following a major accident is unfolded by an instructor, the participants in training manipulate the physical model of a hospital ward with representations of patients and of medical care resources.
Using responsive thermo-bimetals that "breathe" to heat or cool a building, Doris Sung is making architecture more lifelike and environmentally friendly.
Information that changes over time and that is peripheral most of the time is aggregated into the color of a desk lamp that sits in the periphery.
By integrating displays thoughtful into cities and matching their purpose with exactly the needed solutions, they become ambient. Not using (moving) screens supports the ambient character.
Enhancing a simulated training situation with a projected environmental context and providing real-time feedback regarding to users actions, in order to improve the learning experience.
Energy consumption of objects, that can be perceived in an 'ambient display' through light representing and making visible the actual flow of electricity.