A light that is similar to a flashlight, with which a person is able to bring projection mapping with them anywhere.
Daily archives: 2nd April 2019
Make walking directions easier. The user points their phone’s cameras at their surroundings and machine learning will identify the landmarks based on Street View imagery to pinpoint their location. It can then more accurately identify position and orientation, giving directions over the real world.
Artists created digital artwork that could only be viewed in a specific Jackson Pollock gallery in MOMA, New York. Visitors who downloaded the MoMar-app could point their phones at paintings and would see them overlaid with digital artwork as a form of protest against elitist art culture.
Classic projection mapping using architecture as a canvas for art. The brilliant execution of this show allows for an impression of the opportunities offered by this technology. Static surfaces can be reshaped with light.
A clinician creates an image of a patient’s anatomy and then overlays it on the patient. By using a set of special glasses, the clinician can then study the image in real-time and get accurate information before beginning the incision process.
A mobile app projects 3d signs of particular locations of interest - restaurants, bike rental spots, subway entrances, etc. onto the user's screen. The app also measures how far the user is from the particular sight. By downloading packs for different types of locations, the user can expand the amount of information the app relays to them.