Design-based light recipe that shines vertically across 20,000m2 of farmland with leek (Allium porrum).
The electric car produced by Audi uses digital matrix LED headlights to project visuals on the road and other surfaces.
A 3D scan or model can be sent as a gift to the box, which starts glowing upon receiving it. Open the box and view the gift through a handheld device.
Someone remote sends a picture from their daily life, the picture appears pixelated in a frame, needs to be touched to reveal itself fully.
Each swing triggers musical notes when used, but certain melodies appear only when the three swings in a group move in a synchronized way.
Turn the steps of the staircase into a piano keyboard and have each step play its corresponding note when stepped upon. The aim is to motivate people to use the stairs rather than the escalator.
A clinician creates an image of a patient’s anatomy and then overlays it on the patient. By using a set of special glasses, the clinician can then study the image in real-time and get accurate information before beginning the incision process.
A potential concept where a person can make different poses in front of a camera and the database matches that pose with a famous painting/portrait from the history. It creates an interactive experience for a visitor by letting them use their gestures to learn more about art and culture history. In the vast data available for us to grasp, this method makes it a bit easier to connect with and learn.
Twelve large blocks of ice cast off from the Greenland ice sheet are harvested from a fjord outside Nuuk and presented in a clock formation in a prominent public place. The work raises awareness of climate change by providing a direct and tangible experience of the reality of melting arctic ice. Ice Watch has been installed in two locations so far.
Pre-generated projection combined with live singing performance re-creating scenes from the original animation movie, resulting in a smooth visual “interaction” between the actress and the computer graphics on a theatre stage.
Projection mapping is used to enhance existing manuals with indexical reference (pointing out machine parts, for instance). Support technician is available for remote consultation using voice communication, remote pointing and optional video feed from site.
While in the changing room, familiar sentences constructed by social normativity appear, so the one changing finds themselves confronted with the emotions connected to the norms. The concept includes an engaging platform accessed via QR code right outside of the changing room, inviting you to change the experience for the next one going in there, being part of the movement and empowering who comes after.
By augmenting the missing limb visually and using "myoelectric sensors connected to the stump of the missing limb, the patient could control the virtual arm with brain impulses, exactly as the brain controls limbs in the real world."
Computer graphics are generated in real-time based on the dancer's movements and projected onto the stage.
Pre-generated projection is combined with choreography such that the dancer appears to interact with the computer graphics.
Choreographed hybrid performance with human actor, physical objects and virtual form on "the principles of magic."
Enhancing a simulated training situation with a projected environmental context and providing real-time feedback regarding to users actions, in order to improve the learning experience.
Overlaying a suitably abstracted rendering of people's traces gives a sense of where the action is. Data from your friends yields a socially grounded heat map, whereas a broad data collection provides more of a general overview.