Design-based light recipe that shines vertically across 20,000m2 of farmland with leek (Allium porrum).
The electric car produced by Audi uses digital matrix LED headlights to project visuals on the road and other surfaces.
Each swing triggers musical notes when used, but certain melodies appear only when the three swings in a group move in a synchronized way.
Turn the steps of the staircase into a piano keyboard and have each step play its corresponding note when stepped upon. The aim is to motivate people to use the stairs rather than the escalator.
Collect thermal imaging data, perform edge detection and present on a helmet visor to enable firefighters to see better in smoke and in the dark.
Navigate the slopes, record videos and take pictures and interact with fellow riders, even play games.
Enhancing a simulated training situation with a projected environmental context and providing real-time feedback regarding to users actions, in order to improve the learning experience.