A 3D scan or model can be sent as a gift to the box, which starts glowing upon receiving it. Open the box and view the gift through a handheld device.
Someone remote sends a picture from their daily life, the picture appears pixelated in a frame, needs to be touched to reveal itself fully.
Stories are embedded in a wall with interesting graphical images drawn on it. A cup shaped listening device is placed on graphic shapes to activate a unique story and light up the drawing with projection mapping. People can record own stories and leave at the wall.
Augmented reality game where users create, customize and grow their own virtual creatures and interact with them on daily basis.Victor Weber wears this "nano retina technology" in his eyes and through that he plays with his beast and his little girl Anna plays with her pet Blooby.
You connect with the person that you are going to meet up with. By approving to share your physical connection and through projections on the floor you will be guided to your destination of choice.
A designated wall in your home where you display your personal belongings and memories is also a place for a window into your distant family’s living space. As you approach the wall and start interacting with the person on the other side, the projection view expands and takes up the whole wall.
Everything is automated with different sensing technologies and digital controls. Almost no physical contact between the home and the people living in it. Feels like a 1990s notion of "smart" homes. Today, smart could mean other things, such as helping reduce energy consumption.
Context A traveler in a taxi, or on any other public commuting ride to get familiar with a new place. Design concept While you are taking a taxi towards your destination and you are casually looking through the window, relevant information will be displayed. Experiential qualities and related concepts Hybrid, […]