Collect thermal imaging data, perform edge detection and present on a helmet visor to enable firefighters to see better in smoke and in the dark.
Make walking directions easier. The user points their phone’s cameras at their surroundings and machine learning will identify the landmarks based on Street View imagery to pinpoint their location. It can then more accurately identify position and orientation, giving directions over the real world.
Playing pool is all about angles and trajectories. Getting them right is a challenge, especially when you are learning. This AR-enhanced pool table makes that easy for you! The concept involves a projector and a real time camera that create a real-time projection of the path of ball that the player is aiming to strike. This enables the player to learn better or just enjoy an evening of a successful game of pool!
Context Visually impaired people navigating unfamiliar environments. Design concept Major objects and walls in the environment are sonified to facilitate navigation and manipulation. Objects announce themselves in voice as the user scans a scene; walls make sounds as they are approached. Wayfinding is provided by repeating “follow me” in the […]
A camera monitors a section of a greenhouse and feeds the images to a system capable of determining if the plants are healthy or not. Currently there are for example sensors to automatically tell if the plants are too dry but this takes in the whole plants' appearance, including diseased leaves etc. If a section is deemed to have unhealthy plants, the light changes in that area to make the caretakers aware of the problem without having to go look at a terminal or getting intrusive alerts.
Context switching is very costly from a cognitive point of view, however especially in open office settings, it is hard to know when someone is in the middle of something or if it's OK to ask them questions. Here is an indicator light, showing if someone can be disturbed or not. The light can show different colours indicating "busyness level". It can either be controlled manually or linked to applications on your computer.
When you approach your fridge it becomes transparent, letting you peek inside without opening the door. Additional information about the products is displayed making you aware of what has been automatically ordered, expiration dates, or food that has been “reserved” for Sunday dinner.
As a simulation of events following a major accident is unfolded by an instructor, the participants in training manipulate the physical model of a hospital ward with representations of patients and of medical care resources.
Overlaying a suitably abstracted rendering of people's traces gives a sense of where the action is. Data from your friends yields a socially grounded heat map, whereas a broad data collection provides more of a general overview.